Helpful Goals and "Rules" for a Self-Care Trip
Recently when I was beginning my series on researching awesome self-care trip options, I noticed something. When I thought of this first amazing location in Tuscany and realized I'd have to fly into Florence, I was distracted by all the amazing architecture and art. Before I knew it, I was looking in to all the tours. EEEERRRRT. oh ya. I'm not supposed to do the tourist thing. I'm supposed to be getting in touch with myself myself. It was apparent I needed to spend some time clarifying why what I'm doing and how the approach should be to get the results I want. I (and we) can ALWAYS BE A TOURIST any time, but being on purpose about our mental and physical health takes extra effort. It's important that we set some ground rules here before we even land in this or any gorgeous country.
So the first thing. What are 3 goals we hope to accomplish before setting off on a self-care trip. Here are mine.
1. We want to come back refreshed. Other vacations where we come back tired, bloated and just exhausted.
ya, no. We wanted to come back alive and ready to go.
2. A path forward. We may not know the end, but we want to feel at peace with what the path forward is.
3. Stronger. We want to feel stronger that when we left.
With those three goals in mind, here are the six defining characteristics that differentiate a vacation from a self-care trip.
1. Connect with nature. We know that overwhelm and burnout happens when we become less grounded and connected to the moment. Connection with nature is grounding and helps us to become centered in the moment.
2. Distance from people and activity. Connecting with people is good. We need love and connection from people in order to live a fulfilled life. However, time alone to reset and important.
3. Create a home environment. Stay away from hotels or tourist areas. As quickly as possible make your living space just like life and create a routine however simple, easy, simple or silly it is.
4. Turn off daily business. Strictly turn off daily business affairs. However, be gentle with your mind as it answers simple business, life, or vision questions with the stillness of your days.
5. Exercise Daily. Moving your body and sweating is the very best way to release tension, heal, and build physical and mental strength.
6. Learn some language - you literally should have nothing else to do. Learn how to communicate simple things at the market.
Just remember that this is YOUR journey. I'd encourage this journey for you! Check out what's come out of this journey for me! HERE. It's not that you can't do some touristy things in a new area. I would just recommend that you keep it at a minimum as to not exhaust yourself with things and activities outside of things that refuel you and give you energy. Make sure the things you are doing are not distracting you from your ultimate goal of healing and giving you new energy for life.